The Final Countdown

Well, folks! Here we are. Less than a week to go until we attempt The Guildford Triathlon, an event that none of the three members of our team have ever tried before. I don’t know about the other two but I am now more than a little apprehensive. Having spent the last weekend in Madrid eating paella, drinking sangria and going to a fantastic Bruce Springsteen concert, swimming, running and cycling have not been at the forefront of my mind. There was even a small pool at the hotel that we stayed in but I never even saw it. I had the best of intentions I promise!

As you know, we are fundraising on behalf of our gorgeous twins Phoebe and Sam and their Mummy and Daddy for the Special Care Baby Unit at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. A look back back at my earlier posts on this blog will explain why. We started off aiming to raise £500 but, amazingly, we have already raised that much due to the generosity of family and friends and so we have upped our target to £1000. I know it’s a big total to aim for but I do think we will be able to do it.

A little update for you about the family – Daddy is having a phased return to work after being a legend and looking after the whole family for a few weeks, Mummy has regained a lot of her lost confidence and has managed to get some rest and so is feeling brighter and more positive. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be able to speak to my daughter on the phone and for her to sound like her old self. Things were very difficult for a while there but we all rallied round and did what we could to help out. With the support and advice of professionals and with the love of family and friends behind them these guys have made it through to fight another day.

As for the babies…..what can I say? I haven’t seen them properly for 2 weeks but I am sent pics and videos and I can see the change in them both. I’m due to visit them all tomorrow and I can’t wait!

Sam is already in clothes suitable for a baby twice his age. He is becoming more and more vocal and both he and his sister are going to be trying solids for the first time later this week if all goes to plan. He is a proper little charmer and smiles and ‘chats’ happily whenever anyone talks to him. His smile is infectious.

Phoebe appears to be coming on in leaps and bounds. Her reflux is more stable. She is able to hold her head up and she has discovered her hands. She is also becoming more chatty.

Both babies now sleep through the night which is a massive bonus for Mummy and Daddy. Both babies now sit up in little chairs which is cute. This is massive for Phoebe especially as it means she is using her muscles and holding her head up on her own. Both babies also go to a sensory session weekly where they are stimulated by various lights and experiences. This will be a huge help for Phoebe who, if the photos are anything to go by, reacts very positively. See for yourselves!


I can’t tell you how incredible it is to see Phoebe holding her head up like this. I could cry.

Anyway, as you can tell, this family…and young Phoebe in particular… have been on quite a journey over the last 4 months or so. I’m so incredibly proud of my daughter and her husband for staying so together and for loving each other. I’m full of love for Phoebe and Sam – so much that I could burst really. I’m thankful for the never ending support and love shown for the family by family and friends who really have been incredible. I must also thank my hubby and my own children for keeping an eye on me and stepping in when they could see that I was overly worried and struggling to know what to do for the best.

None of us know what the future holds and worrying about it isn’t going to change anything. That is a lesson that I have to be reminded of from time to time. You really would have thought that I would have got it by now.

Think of us on Sunday as we embrace our challenge. I’ll be swimming at 7.15 am. Ouch!

From me and my team and from Phoebe and Sam and their Mummy and Daddy, thank you so very much for everything…for sponsoring us, for buying raffle tickets, for donating prizes, for providing a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear when needed. We are all incredibly grateful.

Love Nanny xxxx








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