And It’s Goodbye From Me

Hi everyone,

I have been meaning to do this last blog post for some time. I wanted to do one last round up, say one last thank you, give you all one last update on the twins and then get back to my ‘proper’ blog. Having two blogs on the go has proved challenging and I will be happy to have just the one to focus on if I’m honest!

Firstly, our final totals from the triathlon and the subsequent raffle are quite fantastic as you can see.

The triathlon was one thing but the amount that we raised from the raffle exceeded all of my expectations. In total, we raised £2,325 for the special care baby unit at The Royal Surrey County Hospital and I, for one, could not be prouder.

virgin money pic

The triathlon seems like a long time ago now and there are just a handful of the raffle prizes to be given to their owners and then it’s all done.

Once again, huge thanks to absolutely everyone who helped and supported us in any way. Thank you to my triathlon team Harry and Jack and thank you to Rosie who did so much to help me with the raffle and who was largely responsible for the amazing array of prizes that we were given.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored us and thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the raffle and who donated prizes.

Now, Kirsty has said that it’s ok for me to update you all with how the family are doing so…Daddy is doing great despite being very fed up about the England football match last night (like a lot of us I would imagine!). He continues to be a caring and supporting husband and a loving and hands on Daddy who adores his wife and his children. There is no doubt that his babies love him and Phoebe is most definitely a Daddy’s girl. When all else fails and she won’t settle, a cuddle from Daddy does the trick every time. Well done Daddy! You know how I feel about you and how far you have come. You are fantastic!

Mummy is doing incredibly well. She has bounced back from her self doubts and exhaustion and proved to herself that she CAN do this, that she IS maternal and that she is a brilliant Mum. She takes on everything that is thrown at her and she keep on going. Her love for her babies is there for all to see and their love for her is obvious. Sam’s smile when he sees her is a joy to behold and the way that she has handled Phoebe and her feeding proves beyond any doubt that she know your babies better than anyone. I never cease to be amazed by her and I couldn’t be prouder of her if I tried. At the moment she is struggling to get around as she has a bout of sciatica but you wouldn’t know it unless you saw her!

Young Sam is still a chunky monkey with a smile for everyone. He rolled over yesterday for the very first time and it won’t be long before he is on the move. Both he and his sister sleep through the night once  Mummy and Daddy have read them a bedtime story and, very soon, the family will be moving from their one bedroomed home to a two bedroomed home and the babies will no longer be sharing their bedroom with Mum and Dad. That is going to make so much difference to the lives of them all.

Last, but not least, my precious Phoebe…our little fighter and our little diva! It has become obvious to all who know this little lady that she is one very determined and strong willed cookie who will only do things when she wants to and when she is ready. This might sound ridiculous to say about a 5 month old little girl with various needs but I promise you it’s true. I have seen it for myself.

Anyway, Phoebe has been without her feeding tube for over a week now after pulling it out for the umpteenth time and after Mummy and Daddy decided to see how she would get on without it. Remember that this is the baby with a cleft palate who refuses bottles completely and who has had severe reflux. So the decision was not taken lightly. However, the day after the tube came out Phoebe took 90 mls from a bottle that she previously hated and the first bottle that she was ever offered all those months ago. She had never, in all of her 5 months, taken that much from a bottle. Later that day she took another 90 mls and then 100 mls.Yesterday she took 130 mls from a bottle in 10 minutes! The reflux seems to have all but disappeared and the almost constant sickness has abated.

Yesterday I took Mummy and the twins to see family in Milton Keynes and we didn’t have to worry about where the nearest hospital was in case she pulled her tube out, we didn’t have to worry about taking syringes and testing strips to use before every feed. We didn’t have to fight with her to take 20 mls in half an hour from a bottle before then battling to get the remainder of the feed down the feeding tube and then not moving her for ages just in case she threw the whole lot up again. It was a pleasure for me so goodness knows how it felt for Mummy.

So, for now, things are on the up for this special little family. The road ahead is long and there will be plenty of challenges for all of them, not just Phoebe, to face in the future but with the continued support and love from family and friends I know they are going to be just fine.

I am also allowed to share a few last photos with you all. Goodness knows how I will choose which ones!


Quick photo explanation:

They show the first time Phoebe drank anything from a bottle at the age of 5 months, Daddy’s 1st Father’s Day canvas, bedtime babygrows, Daddy’s 1st Father’s Day morning surprise, wonderful smiley Sam, pics from sensory play, Phoebe without her tube, Sam and his tongue and Phoebe actually reaching out and touching the lights in sensory play which she hadn’t done before.

That’s it from me and this blog. I am, as you can tell, a very proud Mummy and Nanny, proud of all of my wonderful family and full of love for each and every one of them.

Thank you for reading this blog and for all of your lovely comments over the past few months. To know that anyone ever reads any of my ramblings always amazes me. Your support has meant the world to us.

Thanks again and love to you all.

Nanny xxxxxxxxxxxxx