
Hi all,

In a bid to prove that I am still determined to give this triathlon event my best shot…despite now hoping to do it between three of us…I will probably blog each time that I do some form of exercise and so….

….after two lovely dog walks in the sunshine today I then went to a Zumba class with Rosie this evening. We first went a couple of weeks ago but then haven’t returned until this evening. It’s a local class, pay as you go (£5), is run by a friendly and enthusiastic leader and attracts lots of ladies of various ages and all shapes and sizes all jiggling about and having a good time.

To be honest, despite the glorious weather, I have been a bit gloomy today and I had to really make myself go to the class but Rosie is full of beans and enthusiastic about her new health and fitness regime and I didn’t want to let her down.

In the end I really enjoyed the session despite being absolutely hopeless at keeping up and getting the footwork right. We jumped about, shook our booties (is that even the right word? I am referring to ourbottoms!!) and left the class after an hour feeling happy that we had made the effort. Another step up in our fitness levels I hope. 

Now I do try to walk about 10,000 steps most days and today I have done this…..
I’m very, very happy with that.

I have tried to contact the organisers of the triathlon today to see about entering as a team and not individuals but I haven’t heard back from them yet. I’m hoping that I hear from them tomorrow. I will feel happier once I have that sorted.

So that’s the lastest little exercise update. Onwards and upwards😊👍👟

Love Nanny xxx

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