Tougher Than The Rest

Hi folks and thanks for coming back for more!  Yes, more ramblings, more unloading my fretting mind, more blowing my own trumpet about my weight loss and exercise. Actually, that makes this blog sound dreadful and I really hope that you don’t find it too much to read. Thank you from me anyway for at least taking the time to check in and read this far even if you don’t read any further.

Firstly, the triathlon training update. Our cyclist has invested in cycle wear and is concentrating on building himself up for the big day. He doesn’t have a spare ounce of flesh on his body and he definitely cannot afford to lose any weight. High protein meals and snacks are high on the agenda at the moment because he is going to need a lot of energy to complete the 20+ km bike ride in 6 weeks time. Our runner now has use of a home gym which has been set up in his living room so there is no reason for him not to train and keep motivated. I have had my usual Wednesday evening swim which was good this week. I wanted to time myself for my 500m (20 lengths of the local pool)  but got sidetracked by thinking too much and lost count of the lengths that I had done so I either swam 21 or 23 lenghts (that’s 525 or 575m) in 23 minutes. Whatever the actual distance, it was hard but it was a little faster than I had swum before so I was very happy. I then swam another 10 lengths leisurely and enjoyed a more relaxing time while my swimming buddy swam her 24 lengths and continued to up her game in pursuit of health and fitness. Go Rosie! You keep me going when I really don’t feel like I can do it. Thank you xx

Prepare for another post swim horror pic but it does prove that we did it….


Secondly, the proposed raffle idea that I have been thinking about….I have already received confirmation from Sainsbury’s and Tesco that they will provide me with a prize to raffle and my son in law and a family friend have offered to provide hanging baskets/floral displays too which is fantastic. This means that there will definitely be a raffle and that I definitely need to get my bottom into gear and start organizing it properly. The logistics  of selling the tickets, collecting the money for tickets, actually getting the tickets and doing the whole thing properly is important but also slightly overwhelming. If anyone has any ideas please do let me know. Also, importantly, if anyone reading this would like to give me a prize to raffle, if anyone reading this works for a company who could provide a gift to raffle, please do let me know. Thank you.

Thirdly, the other day I gave a little bit of thought to team t-shirts for the triathlon. i enquired about having t-shirts made up with photos on and the cheapest quote I could get was £80 for 12 shirts. I then thought that I should contact the fundraising dept at the Royal surrey County Hospital to see if they had any t shirts to spare and yes, they did!! I don’t know why i didn’t think of it before and so, today, these arrived….


….5 t shirts bearing the hospital logo. One each for the three of us and one each for Mummy and Daddy. All I need now is a suitable photo of the twins to get put on the back of each shirt and we will be sorted.

Finally, and probably most importantly in all of this, the twins and their family. It’s very difficult for me to use the right words and to keep a lid on my emotions when I type about the four of them, especially at the moment when things are a bit up and down. I could type away for hours about my thoughts and feelings and about the almost hourly highs and lows that the family have to deal with every single day so I will try to be brief, succinct and not overly personal…that’s the bit I have trouble with.

Overall, the family are bearing up. Daddy continues to work and then take over from an exhausted Mummy when he comes home every day. Mummy is wiped out and just about at the end of her tether which is totally understandable when you consider what she has to do and to deal with every day. Lack of sleep is not helping and it’s impossible to sleep, no matter how exhausted you are, when your mind is racing and full of anxiety and worries. I know. I have been there.

Sam is doing fine as ever. He’s such a lovely boy. He is feeding really well, often too well and too quickly as the post feed sick shows us! Mummy and Daddy think he is teething and he is as strong as an ox. Long may that continue.


Darling Phoebe is a totally different girly these days. She is  much more alert and responsive which is wonderful. She looks so gorgeous in her array of pink clothes. However, concerns are still there. In actual fact, it seems that her main issue at the moment, her feeding, is not connected to Stickler Syndrome at all but to reflux. The two conditions are not related. As a consequence she was put on lactose free formula last week but it really didn’t suit her and made her more sick and uncomfortable than she has been in weeks.

She was then put back onto her usual formula and was prescribed more antacids which have to be dissolved and then put down her tube. The worry of the tube blocking with these tablets was a big issue for Mummy who really felt unable to do it herself. Phoebe has now finally been prescribed the liquid form of the medication. Why on earth wasn’t that prescribed in the first place? Let’s just hope that the medication works because there really isn’t anything else to try. Apparently babies outgrow reflux but to see a little one arching her back in pain and shaking her little head from side to side after 20 mls of every feed is heartbreaking and exhausting for all involved ….and this happens every 4 hours, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, this week I did take some fabulous photos of Phoebe and many of you will have already seen one of them but I’m going to share it again with you because it is just so beautiful. It makes me smile every time I see it.


Well, there we are. It’s taken me ages to compose this and check it and re read it again and again.

Thank you again so very much for reading this, for supporting the twins and their Mummy and Daddy, for supporting us in our triathlon efforts and for being all round good people. I know I am probably a pain at times and  that I drive people mad but I promise that I only ever do what I do for the right reasons. My heart is always in the right place even if it may not seem like it at times.

Love Nanny xxxx







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